A. Franzen-Sheehan’s new Silver Top studio in Squirrel Hill/Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA
Recent Projects | Exhibitions:
Sustain, Transform, Innovate | exhibition
Regarding Roe and others | recent art
In the Studio | mini-movie
Studio visits | available upon request
CV | available upon request
Abby Franzen-Sheehan (AFS) is an artist and designer with decades experience: in studio practice, in graphic design, in museum education, in project management, and in publications. As a professional artist exploring the nexus of feminism, politics, and history, she has created paintings, prints, collages, and sculptures that examine the complexities of faith and reality, as constructed by human experience. She is greatly influenced by poetry, philosophy, religious thought, and intuitive insights. Currently reading Karen Armstrongs “Rescuing the Scriptures” which is so well written and thought provoking.
AFS recently moved from her 30-year studio in W. Homestead, to a newly renovated space in her residence, nicknamed Silver Top Studio, (an ancient silver top beer can found during the renovation). Watch videos for details.
Outside of the studio, AFS does graphic design and creative consulting for clients. As publications director at The Andy Warhol Museum for seven years, she managed a dozen+ book projects. As an associate curator in education, she developed contemporary arts curriculum that was translated for world audiences in Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, and Japanese. She has written content for and designed museum collateral—everything from print brochures and exhibition graphics, to exterior banners and permanent gallery signs.
AFS received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the Rhode Island School of Design, and spent a year in Rome, Italy in the European Honors Program.
AFS has raised two sons, now 24 and 26, competes in dog agility, loves libraries, hiking in the woods, gardening, dark chocolate, and poetry. See more of her Favorite things.